Patmos United Methodist Church
Huddleston, VA
Our Mission
Here at Patmos, our Mission is to be:
"People who love God serving people whom God loves!"
This means reaching out to meet both foreign and local mission needs. Within this context, our heartfelt desire is to be ever sensitive to the needs around us and ever vigilant to do God's will.
Join us
Join us
Sunday mornings for worship with
Sunday mornings for worship with
Rev. Jane Whitehead
Rev. Jane Whitehead
February 15, 2025 Lunch and a Movie RSVP
"Same Kind of Different as Me"
Sunday Worship Service
We meet Sundays at 9:30 am
in the Patmos Sanctuary with lite refreshments and fellowship afterwards in the social hall.
Address: 1405 Patmos Church Rd, Huddleston, VA 24104